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Modifier কী?

কোন শব্দ/বাক্যাংশ অন্য কোন শব্দ/বাক্যাংশের আগে বা পরে বসে তাকে বিশেষিত করলে বা পরিবর্তন, রূপান্তর করলে তাকে Modifier বলে।

Modifier কারা?

Modifier হলো Adjective, Compound Adjective, Adverb, Definite article, Possessives words ও Noun সহ আরো অনেকে।


Modifier প্রকার:  
(i) Pre-modifier
(ii) Post-modifier
নাম শুনে নিশ্চয়ই বুঝতে পারছো, এদের একজন Noun/Pronoun এর আগে, অপরজন Noun/Pronoun এর পরে বসে তাদের মডিফাই করে। আজকে আমরা শুধু Pre-modifier নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো।
১। Adjective: সবসময় মনে রাখবে Adjective Noun, Pronoun কে মডিফাই করে । উদাহরণ লক্ষ্য করি-
(a) It’s such a beautiful day
(b) She is a talented photographer
বাক্য দুটিতে Day এবং Photographer হলো বাক্য দু’টির Noun। হ্যাঁ, একদম ঠিক ধরেছো, শব্দ দুটির আগে বসা Adjective “Beautiful” এবং “Talented” হলো আমাদের Pre-Modifier মহাশয়।
২। Adverb: মনে রাখবে, Adverb Noun, Pronoun এর কাজকে মডিফাই করে।
(a) We finally decided to stay where we were.
(b)  At their age, they are still playing tennis.
উপরের বাক্য দুটিতে Finally Still  হচ্ছে আমাদের Adverb যা Noun এর কাজকে মডিফাই করে।

৩। Participle as Pre-modifier: মনে রাখবে, Participle সর্বদা Adjective কিংবা Adverb এর কাজ করে থাকে। Participle তিন প্রকার যা Pre-modifier হিসেবে কাজ করে।
(i) Present Participle: এটি verb এর base form এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়ে গঠিত হয়।
একটি প্রবাদ তোমরা প্রায়ই শুনে থাকো-
(a) Barking dog seldom bites. (এর অর্থ:  অধিক আড়ম্বরে কাজ হয় না।)
(b) He saw a running train.
বাক্য দুটিতে Dog, Train হলো Noun আর Barking (Bark+ing), Running (Run+ing) হলো আমাদের Pre-Modifier। যা Present Participle Form এ রয়েছে।
(ii) Past Participle: এটি verb এর past participle form দিয়ে গঠিত হয়। এই past participle টি noun এর পূর্বে বসে adjective এর কাজ করে। যেমন-
(a) A broken chair
(b) I have bought some rotten fishes
এখানে Chair, Fishes হলো Noun আর Broken, Rotten হচ্ছে Pre-Modifier। যা Past Participle Form এ রয়েছে।
(iii) Perfect Participle: এটি having + verb এর Past participle form + অন্যান্য শব্দ দিয়ে গঠিত হয়টি কোন Clause এর পূর্বে বসে উক্ত Clause-টিকে Modify করে  অর্থাৎ এটি Adverb-এর কাজ করে একটু জটিল মনে হচ্ছে? উদাহরণের দিকে তাকালেই বিষয়টি দিনের আলোর মতো পরিষ্কার হয়ে যবে!
(a) Having defeated the soldiers, the Captain sent them to prison.
(b) Having taken her meal, Nowshin went to college.
বাক্য দুটির বোল্ড করা অংশ হচ্ছে সেই Perfect participle Pre-Modifier। স্ট্রাকচারের সাথে একবার মিলিয়ে নাও!

৪। Specific Determiners: কিছু শব্দ রয়েছে যা Noun এর আগে বসে নির্দিষ্টতা প্রকাশ করে। যেমন:

(i) Definite article: The
(a) Can you pass me the book please? (একটি নির্দিষ্ট বইয়ের কথা বলা হচ্ছে)
(b) The boy was sick. (একটি নির্দিষ্ট বালকের কথা বলা হচ্ছে)
(ii) Possessives: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Their, Whose
(a) The fault in our stars
(b) My friends are nice human being
(iii) Demonstratives: This, That, These, Those
(a) “Taxi! Follow that car!”
(b) Grandpa: “Boy, those were great old days.”
(iv) Interrogatives: Which
Which is your favourite colour?
Which places in Bangladesh have you visited?
(v) The general determiners are: A, An, Any, another, other
(a) It’s very easy. Any child can do it
(b) Would you like another glass of water?
৫। Quantifier as Pre-modifier: Quantifier হলো Noun এর পরিমান (Quantity) নির্দেশক শব্দ।
Singular, non-countable noun quantifier: much, little, a little, a great/little amount of, a lot of, a lot, more, less, some, adequate, enough ইত্যাদি।
Plural, countable noun quantifier: many, some, few, a great/good number of, a lot of, a lot, three, ten, more, less, several, adequate, enough ইত্যাদি।
চলো উদাহরণ দেখে নেয়া যাক!
(a) She bought ten books from the book fair.
(b) I don’t spend much money unnecessarily.
(c) One night, I saw a strange dream.
(d) Bill Gates has a lot of money.
ধরে ফেলেছো, তাই না? Ten, Much, One, A lot of শব্দগুলোই আমাদের Pre-Modifier।

 ৬। Noun as Pre-modifier: অনেক ক্ষেত্রে noun-ই noun-কে modify করে।
যখন দুটি noun পাশাপাশি বসে, তখন প্রথম noun-টি দ্বিতীয় noun-টিকে modify করে। ফলে, এক্ষেত্রে প্রথম noun-টি noun হয়েও adjective-এর মতো কাজ করে। যেমন:
(a) I lost my money bag
(b) We went to a book fair
এখানে Money, bag, book, fair হচ্ছে noun. কিন্তু উভয় বাক্যে money এবং book শব্দ দুটি adjective রুপে বসে modifier হিসেবে কাজ করছে।

৭। Compound Adjective: Compound Adjective বলতে দুই বা ততোধিক Adjectives যুক্ত হয়ে একটি শব্দ তৈরি করা বুঝায়।
(a) Our leader is a hard-working man.
(b) The fair attracted a record-breaking 10,678 visitors.
এখানে hard-working আর record-breaking Adjective দুটো Man Visitors  Noun কে Modify  করে।

আজকে আমরা Post-modifier নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো।

১। Adjective:

 সবসময় মনে রাখবে Adjective Noun, Pronoun কে মডিফাই করে চলো উদাহরণ দেখে নেই-
(a) I found her mother sick.
(b) Pesticides are harmful to the environment.
Sick এবং Harmful Adjective দু’টি “Pesticides” (অর্থ: কীটনাশক)  “Mother” Noun এর পরে বসে তাদের মডিফাই করছে। বুঝতেই পারছো, এরা Post-modifiers.

২। Adverb:

সবসময় মনে রাখবে Adverb- Noun, Pronoun এর কাজকে মডিফাই করে।
(a) He walks slowly.
(b) We see each other occasionally.
উপরের বাক্য দুটিতে Slowly Occasionally হচ্ছে আমাদের Adverb যা Noun এর পরে বসে তার কাজকে অর্থাৎ কীভাবে হাঁটে-Slowly (ধীরে), কখন দেখা করে-Occasionally(মাঝে মধ্যে) মডিফাই করছে।

৩। Participle as Post-modifier:

মনে রাখবে, Participle সর্বদা Adjective কিংবা Adverb-এর কাজ করে থাকে। Participle তিন প্রকার যা Post-modifier হিসেবে কাজ করে।
(i) Present Participle: এটি verb-এর base form-এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়ে গঠিত হয়।
(a) I saw a girl singing.
(b) He was running after time.
বাক্য দুটিতে girl (Noun), He (Pronoun) আর singing (sing+ing), running (Run+ing) হলো আমাদের Post-Modifier যা Present Participle Form-এ রয়েছে।
(ii) Past Participle: এটি verb-এর past participle form দিয়ে গঠিত হয়। এই past participle-টি noun-এর পরে বসে adjective-এর কাজ করে।
(a) The chicken was roasted.
(b) She is tired.
এখানে The chicken (Noun), She (Pronoun) আর roasted, tired এদের পরে বসে তারা কী অবস্থায় আছে তা প্রকাশ করছে এরা Post-modifiers; যা Past Participle Form এ রয়েছে।
(iii) Perfect Participle: এটি  having  বা verb-এর Past participle form + অন্যান্য শব্দ দিয়ে গঠিত হয়টি কোনো Clause-এর পরে বসে উক্ত Clause-টিকে Modify করে  অর্থাৎ এটি adverb-এর কাজ করে একটু জটিল মনে হচ্ছে? উদাহরণের দিকে তাকালেই বিষয়টি দিনের আলোর মতো পরিষ্কার হয়ে যাবে!
(a) He got an A on his English test, having spent every waking moment in 10 Minute School’s English section.
(b)  His mother allowed him to keep the dog provided that he took good care of it.
বাক্য দুটির বোল্ড করা অংশ হচ্ছে সেই Perfect Participle Post-Modifier. স্ট্রাকচারের সাথে একবার মিলিয়ে নাও!

৪। Relative Clause:

Relative Clause হল যার সম্পর্কে বলা হচ্ছে তার কোন বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ করে দেয়া। উদাহরণ দেখলেই বুঝে যাবে!
(a) Arnob is my friend who is very hard-working.
এখানে অর্ণব যে আমার বন্ধু তা বলা হচ্ছে এবং তার পরে (অর্থাৎ Post-modifier) অর্ণবের একটা বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে।

৫। Noun Phrase/Appositive:

এর অর্থ Noun কে বিশ্লেষণ করা; এক কথায় ‘বাড়িয়ে বলা’!
প্রথমে একটা সাধারণ বাক্য লক্ষ্য করি,  Ayman Sadiq is an amiable person।
এবার Appositive যুক্ত বাক্য দেখি: Ayman Sadiq, the Pokémon master of 10 Minute School,  is an amiable person.
এখানে ২টি কমার মধ্যে থাকা the Pokémon master of 10 Minute School হলো আমাদের Appositive। এটি Post-modifier কেননা Noun এর পরে বসেছে।
বিঃদ্রঃ Appositive এর আগে পরে অবশ্যই কমা দিতে হবে।

৬। Infinitive:

Verb এর আগে to বসানো হলো Infinitive । এটি Post-modifier এর কাজ করে। যেমন:
(a) I have an essay to write.
(b) She has a work to do.
বাক্য দুটোতে Essay, Work হলো Noun। Essay- to write  (লিখতে হবে) Work- to do (করতে হবে); to write, to do পরে বসে Nounকে নির্দিষ্ট করে। তাই এগুলো Post-modifiers.

৭। Preposition:

Preposition অনেক সময় Post-modifier হিসেবে কাজ করে।
(a) Sergio Ramos with the yellow armband is captain.
বাক্যে with the yellow armband সার্জিও রামোসকে ক্যাপ্টেন হিসেবে নির্দেশ করে। অর্থাৎ এখানে Preposition কে আমরা Modifier রূপে দেখতে পাচ্ছি। এটি Post-modifier; কেননা Noun এর পর বসেছে।

Dangling Modifier:

Dangling শব্দের অর্থ ঝুলন্ত; দোলায়মান। Dangling Modifier শেখার মূল মন্ত্র হচ্ছে- Modifier যাকে Modify করবে তাকে সবসময় Modifier এর পাশে বসাতে হবে। উদাহরণ দিয়ে দেখি- After stealing the watch, the police caught the thief.
বাক্যটির অর্থ উদ্ধার করে রীতিমত ভ্রূ কুঁচকে ফেলেছো, তাই না? বাক্যটির অর্থ অনুযায়ী পুলিশই ঘড়িটা চুরি করলো, আবার পুলিশই চোর ধরলো! বিষয়টা এরকম হওয়ার কথা নয়; তার মানে আমাদের বাক্যে গোলমাল রয়েছে।
কী গোলমাল? গোলমাল হচ্ছে আমাদের Modifier যাকে নির্দেশ করছে আমরা তাকে তার পাশে বসাচ্ছি না। Modifier- After stealing the watch আমাদের চোর বাবাজিকে নির্দেশ করছে। কিন্তু আমরা পুলিশ আঙ্কেলকে Modifier এর পাশে বসিয়ে দিয়েছি। কাজটা একেবারেই ঠিক হয়নি।
তাই বাক্যটি আবার লেখা যাক- After stealing the watch, the thief was caught by the Police.
এই তো, এখন বাক্যটি অর্থবোধক হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। পুলিশ আঙ্কেল এখন আর মন খারাপ করবেন না।

Hello World,Toady I will Share Basic Android App Development Guideline.

Chapter 1: Hello World

  • Android Activity
  • UI design with TextView, Layout. Use most used properties of TextView and layout
  • Input with: EditText, Button, Radio Button, Checkbox
Project: Design a calculator.

Chapter 2: Some basic views, phone call and email

  • ImageView
  • WebView
  • ListView
  • CardView
  • RecyclerView
  • Phone Call
  • Email
Project: Develop a static information App for your class. It contains all the information of your classmates. Also functional for phone call and email them.

Chapter 3: Data storage

  • SharedPreference
  • SQLite database
  • Android default camera
Project: Create an App for storing all information of your friends with photo. All information will be stored in SQLite database. Have to perform CRUD operations

Chapter 4: Connect to the server

  • Introduction to PHP
  • Introduction to GET and POST method
  • Retrofit network library
  • JSON object and JSON array basic idea
  • Send data to the server and receive response from the server
  • Scraping data from web page using JSOUP library
Project: Login and registration from App, connecting PHP backend and data storing on remote MySQL server. Edit user information from app.

Chapter 5: Material Design

  • Idea of material design
  • Navigation drawer
  • Fragment
  • Floating Action Button (FAB
  • Pull to refresh (Swipe refresh)
Project: Develop a TO DO list App using material design. Implement Navigation drawer, fragment, FAB and pull to refresh. User can store data in local storage or can upload to the server.

Chapter 6: Multimedia

  • Introduction to background service
  • Play an audio file in as a background service
  • Play a video file
Project: Develop an App to manage your favorite audio, video of your device. All of audios and videos can be played using the App.

Chapter 7: Git

  • Introduction to VCS
  • Introduction to Git
  • Introduction to GitHub and BitBucket
  • Some basic commands like initialization, add remote, commit, push, pull etc.

Chapter 8: Firebase

  • Firebase analytics
  • Firebase Crash Reporting
  • Firebase push notification using PHP backend

Chapter 9: GPS

  • Get latitude and longitude
  • Place a marker of current location on Map
  • Find city name or country name using Reverse GeoCoding

Chapter 10: App distribution

  • App build in release mode
  • Publish App to Google Play Store
  • Maintenance and update of existing App

Some popular Libraries and Tools

  • ButterKnife
  • EventBus&nbsp
  • Picasso
  • Retrofit
  • Gson
  • jsoup
  • ADB tool
  • ProGuard tool
  • POJO generator plugin

  • Publisher: PinGuo Inc.
  • Version: 9.6.6
  • Category: Photography
  • Size: 42MB
  • Update: September 17, 2019 at 1:20 am
  • Available at: Google Play
Camera360 can say to be one of the leaders of beauty editing application on smartphones. Before other applications started to launch and market share was almost like this app received the trust of everyone when they wanted a beautiful selfie photo. Even in 2016, it is said to be the best photography app on Google Play in some areas. PinGuo Inc also has many products released simultaneously and based on the Camera360 platform. With a community of more than 500 million users worldwide, it is a reliable free photo editing tool. Besides, this application can also be viewed as a global photography repository when it contains data of many photos posted or stored in the memory of the photo application. That’s why you can see Camera360 V8.0 as a social network to share your life for many people. Camera360 is no longer a photography tool, but a means to connect people.

Selfie Photo Editor with Funny Sticker

Camera 360built-in photo editing tools that reach the professional level to produce stunning works only with smartphone photo cameras. These types of selfie cameras and beauty cameras integrated into the app only need users to open it and can be used immediately easily with the click of a button. You can have a beautiful face like a Korean actor without having to spend any cosmetic surgery. Besides, it also has many custom filters and funny animation effects with stickers. After you take the picture, it also offers exceptionally reliable post-production tools. In the recently updated version, it will give you an entirely new interface I of the homepage that gives you a more vivid and convenient experience. When you open the application, immediately see the categories that are clearly divided according to the purpose you use. So if you choose to take a photo application, it will give you a lot of beautiful filters for users to select and decorate their selfie photo. Besides, many different sticker sets will be integrated with 3D graphics, making your photos much more fun and attractive. Then you can see that its publisher continuously updates many new filters depending on each season and significant events of the year. Do you want a Christmas photo with cute reindeer flying around? That is entirely feasible. Sometimes you can transform into mischievous cats or even make friends with loyal dogs.

Feature highlights of the application

The home page of the app is designed merely; you can press a button to enter the camera interface. Also on the home page also comes with a photo editing function and uploading photos to social networks. You can add thousands of different stickers to your photos; of course, stickers also work in real time with camera filters. Makeup: This is the main highlight of Camera360; if you are a selfie, you can not ignore the “beauty” feature of the application. Just raise the camera and choose a makeup effect; your face will immediately improve a lot. One of the newest features that the 360 camera offers to users is the “challenge.” This feature does not appear in any photography application at all, so you are assured it is unique. When participating in the photography challenge, you have a lot of ways to create your own funny pictures and never have to worry about people not liking your photos. The real-time makeup and beauty application will give you big V-line face-to-mouth lips with a sexy nose. Live filters include Magic Skin/Sky/Color, Mirror, Double Exposure, Film, HDR, Storm, Starry Night, B&W, Bokeh, Sketch, etc.

MOD Info

All filters effects unlocked; Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services; Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
.. Armeabi-v7a
.. Arm64-v8a

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Hello everyone, have come to my next article. This article I will share for you TUT Unlock all the latest forms of spam weight (with the requirement you must have a very standard fake IP software). Let's get started !
Fake IP Cambodia + Lao Language (Use HMA to fake IP)
Access the link and follow the order:
  • Link: (spam 2-3 times)
  • Line 1: Facebook Email Locked
  • Line 2: Locked Facebook Name
  • Click send
Access the link and follow the order:
  • Link: (no spam)
  • Line 1: The Facebook Name is Locked
  • Line 2: Facebook Email Locked
  • Line 3: ຂ້າ ພະ ເຈົ້າ ບໍ່ ໄດ້ ເຮັດ ຫຍັງ ຜິດ, ທ່ານ ມີ ຂໍ້ ຜິດ ພາດ ໃນ ເລື່ອງ ນີ້. ນີ້ ລຸ ນາ ເປີດ ບັນ ຊີ ສໍາ ລັບ ຂ້ອຍ ຖ້າ ທ່ານ ອ່ານ ຂໍ້ ຄວາມ ນີ້.
  • Click send
Access the link and follow the order:
  • Link: (spam 2-3 times) 
  • Line 1: The Facebook Name is Locked
  • Line 2: Birthday of Facebook Locked
  • Line 3: ຂ້າ ພະ ເຈົ້າ ບໍ່ ໄດ້ ເຮັດ ຫຍັງ ຜິດ, ທ່ານ ມີ ຂໍ້ ຜິດ ພາດ ໃນ ເລື່ອງ ນີ້. ອ່າ ລຸ ນາ ເປີດ ບັນ ຊີ ສໍາ ລັບ ຂ້ອຍ ຖ້າ ທ່ານ ອ່າ
  •  Line 4: Facebook Email Locked
  • Click send
Access the link and follow the order:
  • Link: (spam 2-3 times)
  • Line 1: Facebook Email Locked
  • Line 2: ສະ ບາຍ ດີ Facebook ທີມ ງານ, ນັ້ນ ແມ່ນ ສິ່ງ ທີ່ ຂ້ອຍ ຕ້ອງ ການ:
  •        - ຊື່ ເຕັມ: FB Name Locked
            - ວັນ ເດືອນ ປີ ເກີດ: Date of Birth Fb Locked
    - ອີ ເມລ: Email Fb Locked ຫມູ່ ເພື່ອນ ແລະ ຮູບ ພາບ ຂອງ ຂ້ອຍ ທັງ ຫມົດ ກວດ ສອບ ຕົ້ນ ໄມ້ ທັງ ສາມ ຢ່າງ ລະ ມັດ ລະ ວັງ. ບຸກ ໃຈ ທີມ ງານ ເຟ ສ ບຸກ.
  • Line 3: Rep mail:

  •         - ສະ ບາຍ ດີ Facebook ທີມ ງານ, ນັ້ນ ແມ່ນ ສິ່ງ ທີ່ ຂ້ອຍ ຕ້ອງ ການ:
            - ຊື່ ເຕັມ: Facebook Name Locked
            - ວັນ ເດືອນ ປີ ເກີດ: Facebook's Birthday is Locked
            - ອີ ເມວ: Facebook Email Locked ຫມູ່ ເພື່ອນ ແລະ ຮູບ ພາບ ທັງ ຫມົດ ຂອງ ຂ້ອຍ ລະ ມັດ ລະ ວັງ ກວດ ເບິ່ງ ສາມ ຕົ້ນ ໄມ້. ບຸກ ຊີ ຂອງ ຂ້າ ພະ ເຈົ້າ ຕ້ອງ ໄດ້ ຮັບ ການ ຟື້ນ ຟູ ຄືນ ໃຫມ່ ຂໍ ຂອບ ໃຈ ກັບ ທີມ ງານ ເຟ ສ ບຸກ.

    Click send

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Accidentally left the caps lock on and typed something, but can't be bothered to start again and retype it all?
Simply enter your text and choose the case you want to convert it to.

Welcome to the Convert Case Text Generator Tool:

A very handy online text tool where you can change between lower case and upper case letters, where you can capitalize, uncapitalize, convert to mix case and transform your text. Explore the options below: Sentence Case The sentence case converter will allow you to paste any text you’d like, and it will automatically transform it to a fully formed structured sentence. It works by capitalizing the very first letter in each sentence, and will then go on to transform the rest of the text into lowercase as well as converting i’s into I’s. Every letter after a full stop will get converted into an upper case letter.
Note: it won’t, however, capitalize names or places. This is an example of sentence case.

Lower Case

If you are wondering how to uncapitalize text, this is exactly what the lower case text converter will allow you to do - it transforms all the letters in your text into small letters. Simply copy the text that you need generating into lower case and paste the text into the box above and select the ‘lower case’ tab.
this is an example of lower case.

Upper Case

The upper case transformer will take any text that you have and will generate all the letters into upper case ones. It will essentially make all lower case letters into CAPITALS (as well as keep upper case letters as upper case letters). To do this, you simply have to select the text that you need changing and pasting into the box above and then select the UPPER CASE tab.

Capitalized Case

The capitalized case converter will automatically convert the starting letter of every word into an upper case and will leave the remaining letters as lower case ones. Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and select the Capitalized Case tab.
This Is An Example Of Capitalized Case.

Alternating Case

The alternating case converter will allow you to transform your text (no matter the current format) into text that alternates between lower case and upper case. It will generate a capital letter and then a lower case letter within the same word.
tHiS Is aN ExAmPlE Of aLtErNaTiNg cAsE.

Title Case

The title case converter is perfect for those who are a bit unsure on how to title an upcoming essay. It essentially ensures the correct letters are capitalized within the context of a title. Words such as “an” will be left all in lower case and words that are important will be converted such as “Title”.
This Is an Example of Title Case.
.. Click
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Simple and easy to use strikethrough text generator. Convert standard text into crossed out text with this online strike text generator.

Strikethrough Your Text

Using this strikethrough text generator is incredibly simple to use. All you have to do is write up your normal text in the column on the left and you will see that the text is getting automatically crossed out in the column on the right.
Use any text you want, then you will see a line go through it - which you can then copy and paste it to wherever you like, whether that’s Facebook or Twitter.
Here’s an example of what you will get generated with letters and words with a slash in it.
T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶x̶a̶m̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶t̶e̶x̶t̶.̶
.. Click
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Hello guys today i will show you how to move games data/obb file to your sd card without rooting your phone.
"do at your own risk" it is not my responsibility if your phone breaks or whatever

Folllow Steps:

first make sure android version up to 6+ and download these apps
  1. virtualxposed download
  2. .. Download
  3. zarchiver download
  4. .. Download
note: before doing all of these steps, make sure the data/obb file of the game is placed on the sd card. [this method is only tested on offline games]
  1. after downloading and installing virtualxposed, open it and swipe down the screen.
  2. after swiping down the screen, open xposed installer.
  3. after opening the installer, click the 3 horizontal lines on the upper left side and click download.
  4. search "xinternalsd" choose 4.8 version and click download and install.
  5. when the installation is finished, click the 3 horizontal lines again on the upper left side and find modules. make sure to check the box "xinternalsd".
  6. go back and click the circle with 6 dots , and click "add app".
  7. select/check the google play games, google services, google playstore and the games you want to move the data/obb file to your sd card.
  8. go back and swipe down the screen, open xinternalsd.
  9. in xinternalsd, click "path to internal sd card" if you don't know what your going to do there, download and install "zarchiver" and check the name of your sdcard.
  10. click "enable for apps" and check those again.
  11. after doing all these steps, you must play the game in virtualxposed.
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Facebook is the most popular and biggest social networking site. Facebook has various features according to different users. We can create pages, groups and even use normal profile. Facebook allows us to add all personal details along with profile & cover photo. Due to countless features of Facebook.
Today we will discuss another amazing Facebook trick related to Profile picture. By using this we can view locked Facebook profile pictures of anyone. Actually this not any kind of hack or even you are not breaking any kind of privacy. In this method you are directly making some changes which helps you to access that profile photo which is present in Database in actual size.Now here is way to view locked profile picture but make sure you are not going to offend someone. This is totally an educational based topic.

Follow the given steps :

  • First of all you need a Username or Profile ID of person whom profile picture you want to see.
  • Just copy the Username and Profile ID in notepad or anywhere.
  • Then replace the Paste-username-here from the below given link with the Username or profile ID.
  • Then it will looks like as below.
  • Now to copy link and paste them into new tab of browser.
Press enter and see magic
In conclusion, this is only possible way to view locked Facebook profile picture easily. We hope it will work for you as well. We also advice you to use caution and good judgement in using this trick and not harm anyone’s privacy. Feel free to comment your views below

DU Meter 7.30 is an active internet usage monitor which gives the entire information regarding bandwidth use. DU Meter Crack tool advises on your download and upload rates and also computes the data transfer expenses. It’s a robust program that can help you to observe the data transfer rates and also as creates the full report of it and no matter which network you’re online with. Added capacity to produce stories of your data transfer prices. It will show you the network traffic in real-time. It has many new and Innovative functions. This program enables you to create reports on the daily, hourly and weekly basis. Additionally, it provides you with the ability to compare the incoming and outgoing traffic. This system offers you to observe the incredible graphs of network transfer speed which allow you to watch how many information your device is consuming.
It can alert you if certain limitations are surpassed. If you are feeling Ambiguity about it afterward, it’s especially helpful for you. DU meter Serial Key provides that the response to those and other puzzles. It’s possible to watch your data transfer speeds can be very enlightening regardless of what you do online. It allows you to utilize your internet connection better. Du meter hack sees just how much of your entire bandwidth potential is at any given stage. It is configured to match almost in the blank space. When you put in, there aren’t any changes in Windows documents. It utilizes only a tiny windows tools. DU Meter Serial number in your kid’ or employee’s computer. Additionally, It Also prevents other internet connections when the alert condition was fulfilled. Now, Wi-Fi signal tracking is currently offered. While fluctuations in the system seem like a channel will easily be correlated. There are several new color schemes for a better-blended functionality. Ever since, functioning using Windows 8, Windows 10 and are mostly compatible and have a friendly view. As a result, more comfortable than the last version which used and everybody can run it smoothly.

Key Characteristics:

  • DU Meter can be especially helpful for you
  • Just how much traffic quantity on the internet relationship
  • Can configure it to report to you through email
  • Use only smallish windows tools
  • Can prevent any further Internet connectivity.
  • Latest version awake unexpected network action
  • It may fix many issues
  • Boost security and compatibility with this application
  • Wi-Fi signal oversee is now accessible DU METER


.. Download
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Teacher Assistant is an android project intended to help the teachers to track the class activity and the online attendance of the classroom students. Here the teacher can take the attendance of the students as well as can make the schedules for the upcoming subjective classes.


Moreover, the teacher can also calculate the CGPA of the students and submit them. Also, the teacher can post the notes highlighting the important topics related to the subjects.


.. Download
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Facebook has added a feature to keep him safe. This is called block link. As a result, the user can not share any link if his link is blocked by Facebook. This block link can no longer be posted.

How do I unblock?

We will unblock with only one method and report it to the Facebook Support Team.
Pay close attention to the following steps!
This report should be made more than 4 times with 20 mobile or computer.
  1. First enter the Facebook Help Center It should go to this link.
  2. You can see a box below. Now Facebook has to write something so that they understand your website link is completely anti-spam.
  3. I am writing a feedback below. If you are not able to write, then copy my entry and submit it here.
[accordion] [item title="Note"]
Hi, Facebook,
My website is perfectly safe and has been around since 2017. I often write very interesting articles and post my website links on my Facebook page Unfortunately, it seems that the high traffic to my website from Facebook raised a warning flag in your system and labelled my website as UNSAFE It is very irritating to key in the security code, and even when l keep my website article l have to double confirm it (see attached). When my fans click to go to my link, you warn them to only follow links that they trust, as if my website has malicious content l tried to inform you several times on your feedback but to no avail, so l am now writing an email and hope it can be fixed. It is ridiculous how you punish creators like us who had been producing good original contents on FB. You need to learn from Google how they reward content creators instead.
Thanks Regards
[/item] [/accordion]

Bass pasted this text into the box and waited for the submit. It may take a long time or it may be 2/3 days. Maximum time takes too long. wait! Waiting is the result,
Everyone will be fine Thanks for being with us. Hope you stay with us that way. This is our desire to be good and healthy. See you in the next post.
Any type of information please Contact us.

Grand Theft Auto V Pc Games Reviews & Free Download Game setup in single direct link for windows. Grand Theft Auto V PC Game is an action and adventure game.

Grand Theft Auto V PC Game Overview

[tab] [content icon="info-circle" title=" About"] GTA 5 is developed by Rockstar North and is published under the banner of Rockstar Games. The release date of this game is 14th April 2015. GTA V game can be played either by first person or by third person perspective.

GTA V PC Game Free Download and get ready for action. The story revolves around Michael Townley who is under the witness protection in Las Santos, San Andreas after mismanaged robbery attempt at Ludendorff. Michael discovered that his wife is cheating upon him and has an affair with her tennis coach. Furious to hear about the affair, Michael chased down the coach and destroyed him. All of this happened in a mansion owned by the girlfriend of a drug lord Martin Madrazo. Now Martin demands a heist at a jewelry shop from Michael and from here onwards Michael’s life changed, his family left him and he with his old pals has been left entangled in the criminal underworld. Now the team has to pull off several fatal heists for their survival in the cold-blooded city where nobody is trustworthy.

Features of GTA V PC Game

Following are the main features of GTA V PC Game that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
  • Impressive action adventure game.
  • Major overhauling in technical and visual aspects.
  • New weaponry, vehicles included.
  • New wildlife included.
  • Denser traffic.
  • Enhanced weather system.
  • Includes brand new Rockstar editor.
  • Can use melee attack and other explosives.
  • Features multiple radio station playing different genres of music.
[/content] [content icon="check" title=" REQUIREMENT"] Before you start GTA V Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements
  • OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2* (*NVIDIA video card recommended if running Vista OS)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
  • Hard Drive: 65 GB available space
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
  • OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHz (8 CPUs)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD 7870 2GB
  • Hard Drive: 65 GB available space
  • Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
  • Additional Notes:
[/content] [content icon="camera" title=" SCREENSHOTS"]
[/content] [content icon="camera" title=" GAMEPLAY"]
[/content] [content icon="download" title=" DOWNLOAD"] Torrent:
.. Download
[/content] [/tab]


[review] [item review-value="8"]Graphics[/item] [item review-value="9"]Game-play[/item] [item review-value="9"]Sound[/item] [content title="Summary" label="Overall Score"] GTA V PC Game Free Download and get ready for action. The story revolves around Michael Townley who is under the witness protection in Las Santos,It is an amazing action and Story games.[/content] [/review]
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Shawon Khan

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